Sorry about the echo you might hear during some of Jason's talking, it was a hardware loopback issue on my end that I failed to fix before recording, fortunately it wasn't too serious. At least it gives you a good idea of the latency of mumble.
Direct download (right click and save as)Recorded July 16th, 2007
Size: 16.8MB
Runtime: 0:36:44
Hosts: Pilot_51 and Jason9811
Software used: Mumble and Audacity
Intro music: System Shock 2 - "07BEG"
GCI download stats: Listen to find out!
Cool Stuff
R4DS firmware 1.10
Wii using Mii's instead of Friend Codes?
Super Mario World: Lunar Magic (level creator)
Allegiance (PC game)
Screen Saver Control (PC utility)
Colors (DS homebrew)
Tech Tip: How to view certain text files correctly.
The Classic Archives: Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Music: Main Title, Character Select Screen, Mario, Yoshi, Race Start, Start Line Engines And Start Lights, Mario Circuit, Donut Plains, Battle Mode, Koopa, Rainbow Road, Koopa Beach, Ghost Valley, Bowser Castle, Final Lap, Invincibility, Race Complete (New Times), Podium Finish, End Titles
E3 review
Site & services news
TeamSpeak server shut down after 5 years in favor of Mumble
Forums have been upgraded to phpBB3
Contest: Podcast image
Listen to hear the first available prize!
Contact about questions, suggestions, or comments
Skype voice mailbox: skype:gamersconsiderationinitiative
Ending music: System Shock 2 - "E2BEGIN" + E2LOOP" + "E2END"
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